It represents affection and concern over things well done and over people. It represents the love professed to our children.
This circumstance makes this Family Office to be integrated by the best professionals, with high technical expertise in each scope of business. Thus, our team includes remarkable members as Mr. Nikhil Dewnani, Mr. Mohit Hasija and Mr. Jackson A. Vergel.
Additionally, Mrs. Rashmi Thadani, as a member of the owner’s family and CEO, has undoubtedly transmitted, to all those who somehow had interacted with SONIA CANARIAS 2011, S.L., the values of closeness and humility which guide and rule the entire life of the promoters.
But above all, the essence of SONIA CANARIAS 2011, S.L., is Sonia Ramchand Bhavnani, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bhavnani. She has given to this project her name and, why not say, life, care and success. Although her presence unfortunately is no longer with us, day to day she still inspires this firm, this family and our entire group of professionals, who make available to offer the best services in the market, always following the Sonia’s motto: “DO GOOD AND DO NOT LOOK TO WHO”.